Let’s make Dallas’ greenspaces

happier and healthier places to be.

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Let’s reclaim nature together.

Greenspace Dallas mission is to restore and develop accessible national park-quality green spaces within the Trinity River Corridor. We’re also big believers in nurturing tomorrow’s environmental leaders - engaging companies and the community to roll up their sleeves with, and ultimately create a healthier city for all.

How YOU can help.

Greenspace Dallas is a small non-profit organization focused on creating access along the Trinity River Corridor while respecting wildlife. Accomplishing this goal is only possible in partnership with the hundreds of community volunteers and corporate supporters, backed by the thoughtful and generous grants and donations from individuals, foundations, corporations and like-minded groups.

Learn more about becoming a part of the Green Team!

We get things done!

Greenspace Dallas is a boots on the ground, hands in the dirt organization dedicated to restoring and protecting the Trinity River and Forest. From weekly cleanups to the revitalization of recreational areas at Hines Park, Frasier Dam, and LB Houston, to the development of trails, raised tread surfaces and kayak and canoe docks, we are making nature more accessible while rescuing the once derelict urban forest.

With every meetup we’re making an impact.

An icon of a trashcan and the world


Trash and debris cleared during our weekly public cleanups.

A trail sign post icon


Trails recovered or rerouted in urban parks and recreation areas.

A simple tree icon


New forest planted in greenspaces along the Trinity River corridor.

Inspiring environmental education experiences.

We shine the light on conservation and sustainability through empowering educational experiences. Youth-focused programs, like the Trinity River Crew, annual conservation trips, and the Keep Dallas Beautiful initiative, inspire future environmental leaders.

Supporting the transformation of the Trinity.